Archive for Doctors

In Memorial: For My Brother

During this time every year I remember my late brother, Guy William Logan, M.D. Tomorrow would be his birthday.

In paraphrase of the eulogy, given during the funeral in a mausoleum, my father recalled him as akin to a road flare, or a meteor, bright but short -lived, stellar and visible and worthy of attention, but not long in duration.

The medical community of east Tennessee no doubt still misses him, and the people of UT no doubt have their special feelings as well. If you see this and want to, share them with me.

We did not get to close some loose ends, but now is the time to forgive, remember, and move on with the good memories enhancing action and thought.

Taken too soon but not forgotten; he lives on in me, his parents, and in his family.

For him, this short thought:

Doctors have depression too,
And we must recall that through and through,
Those who care for us need our understanding too;
That they may press on every day,
Giving and sharing their caring ways.
Let us thank them heart and soul,
For learning so they can heal us all.

For Guy, 1968 to 2004.

Divi Logan, Nashville and Chicago, 2013.


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