Archive for Christian



Where did all our wondrous flowers go;
In the seasons past so many gone from our midst:
When actions from us their faces did take…
And shook our communities head to foot.

Abused, abandoned, and all full of questions;

Bullied and beaten about by people and their environment;

Caught in the crossfire and chased from their homes;

Death and destruction follow them daily.

Evicted from home with families in the cold and existing in poverty or not, they grow old;

Fraught with troubles and problems overt and bold,

Groping in the dark on Gang turf and vacant grass.

Hiding in their own homes when mobs they do pass;

Injured by stray bullets and flying shards of glass,

Junk in their bodies by pushers stuck in,

Kill and kill more and more potent the cartels move in to kill again.

Loss of love and no one to support them when they must speak of the loss of a loved one;

Murder and massacre muddle their minds,

Never a quiet night in their neighborhoods when nuisance gangs bring their drugs out to sell.

Out, out foulness so disgraceful, that causes our children to be out and out scared;

Pride of those greedy and arrogant and foolin’, has taken the childhood out of those children;

Quickly they must rush home and back, to the bus and to the store;

Running in fear when the shouting and shooting begin and hoping they will not be struck;

Summer is a season of fear for them; they cannot go out on their own lawns alone.

Turf wars the reason, they hide in their bedrooms, and try not to think about the troubles outside.

Until a car drives by and someone begins shooting and shouting and flashing those signs.

When the victim is one of your family, and then you hear the news in the ER:

“X-rays reveal no exit wound,

Your child was critical when brought in and now, there is

Zero chance of survival.”

…Wandering about in the deep silence of night, those sorrowing parents will talk about that which they could have done… might have done…

“… should have bought them those drums, perhaps….”


To the memory of all victims of gun violence in this nation in the past decade, especially for the people of Chicago, Newtown, Aurora, and the United States, and for their families and their communities.

Divi Logan, Nashville and Chicago, 2013.

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A sign warning to yield to the crosswalk.

A sign warning to yield to the crosswalk. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Child deprived of loving parent
Of mother or father run down on a street;
Parent left without son or daughter,
A similar fate did they meet.

Two tons of moving metal along a city street
Thousands of them we see
From them we move our feet
When through the crosswalks so blatantly they go
Paying no attention to the street signs put there so they know
People are trying safely there to cross
Oh, have we all respect and dignity lost?

Condolences to all who have lost loved ones this way-
In hit-and-run incidents that make our news these days;
Oh those who have done such deeds take heed-
You someday will answer to another!
Let us decent folks hope that it is the law
Who catches you in your crawling cowardice-
Unable to admit that you did something wrong-
And took a life.

Murderer, homicidal maniac, arrogant fool and cruel demons
Are people such as you
Who steal lives and keep on going;
Who murder and rob and shoot and torture…
You KNOW you have done something terrible and then-
What do you do? You stop and look… and go your way again?

Mourn then for the children;
Mourn for the grieving parents and relatives.
Pray now for the friends who must now cope with
Losing the presence of a fine and loving person.

What can we do
To preserve innocent lives?
Oh you who act and think not…
When will you take the few seconds to think with due care and consideration?



Mourning (Photo credit: Sister72)

Divi Logan, Nashville and Chicago, 2012.

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Approachable Jesus: An Inspirational Poem

Thoughts Inspired Upon a Visit to Mass at Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago, on this January 1, 2012

The beauty of the Lord is within and around you;

Rejoice and be glad in this.

The beauty and grace of the Loving God, of Jesus His Son,

Who made and who sustains thy life;

In this place is power and life, vigor and health…

Feel it, live it, learn and love it; grow and be graced by it,

Partake of the riches of such a life, lived and enjoyed beautifully.

Honor it, cherish it, protect and sustain it –

Get on to those lazy knees and off the rear end for a while; engage the deep recesses of heart and soul.

Approach the Lord Jesus, that marvelous Prince of Peace, God made man.

You can do so, as the priest in his excellent sermon said, through Mary the Mother of God. Those shepherds knew that precious baby was very special, and the Magi did too. They noticed the child and could not help but notice his mother- they knew by the way they were together that she was the mother of this young king, announced by angels and destined for greatness.

Jesus, to me be ever more real, sustained daily and loved always.

Christ to me be life and living, work and play, be all in all things to me.

The beauty of the Lord is in this place, within and around you. Rejoice in this and be very glad.

Divi Logan. Chicago, January 1, 2012. Please request permission if use is desired, to Courtesy counts. Thank you.

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